1042 Quotes 45560 large collection of quotes files AddBBS.cpt 3030 Survey file for adding BBS listings to Second Sight. AnalyzeCallerlog 32047 analyzes your SS callerlog - duh! Archie 1.62/F.cpt 132025 A Host Command 50 app which adds more than 30 commands to Second Sight, remotely and locally. Features include backing up logs, searching text files, analyzing the CallerLog, various UserLog displays, searches and backup, file searches. Archie Special.cpt 51123 Great Second Sight external Auto User Stats 3.1.cpt 12082 Examines your SS userlog Battle 3.63.sit 136178 The ultimate online BBS game. New release - March 1993. This is a Mansion BBS bug fix release. A must on all BBS systems. Tell your sysop you want to try it out. Birthday100.cpt 37351 Second Sight external that lets user enter their birthdays and displays a Happy Birthday to.... at logon BJ100.CPT 28679 Second Sight external application BJ100.sea 42791 No Description Available Busyout 17695 takes your modem offline during mail processing so your users get a busy signal when calling CallerVerify.cpt 60272 CallerVerify is a cmd 50/51 app for SS that verifes newusers and bumps their access. Can be set to only call local phone numbers. CataLogger1.2 19582 Catalogger for Second Sight ChangeName.cpt 11399 change menu and file directory names - in case you want to renname your harddrive Checkers100.CPT 26404 Second Sight external game ClearLog.cpt 47073 external that deletes your Second Sight callerlog CombineLog 48422 combines multiple log files ComputerSRVY(SS).cpt 1449 Asks your users specific questions about the computer industry to find out just how smart they are. (tough) Cop 2.00->2.01 Updater.sea 126734 No Description Available CreateSectiondir 45157 Creates file section directories simply and easily Delphi100.cpt 25080 Second Sight external game/timekiller Detour.cpt 27406 Use this in place of any command 50 application you want to take temporarily out of service. Dorothy.sea 137487 No Description Available Epistle 45624 Epistle Second Sight External scans message headers for Tabby imports & generates a report. Escaped File Finder.cpt 27307 A Second Sight 2.0 FileSection utility which makes a list of every file in a folder and compares it against a FileSection listing in that folder, then writes a report of all files which are not contained in the FileSection listing. Export 3.215.cpt 49926 Export 3.2 - Export 3.2 was designed to solve various Technical problems and general slowness of Tabby and previous export routines. It was designed as 1) a high volume Export utility and 2) to solved some of the problems of getting UseNet Messages Federation0.01d.cpt 38020 Second Sight external game FileList Builder 1.4 si.cpt 12228 One step file directory creation Find Duplicates.cpt 179936 examines directories for file duplications FreeLoader.1.1.cpt 42028 Identifies file leeches and freeloaders FSec Cleaner.cpt 28023 A utility to purge missing file entries and to kill files marked for deletion in Second Sight 2.0 FileSections. FSP.2.55.cpt 26825 File Section Processor for Second Sight GEnie Cleaner.cpt 7767 Application to clean up GEnie file descriptions so that they can be directly cut and pasted into BBS file descriptions. Helmsman.cpt 316361 Helmsman is a graphic front-end and offline mail reader for Second Sight BBSs. HFL 1.0 34867 Host File Lister for Second Sight Import 2.53.cpt 41164 This is an import utility for Second Sight and Tabby Users by Mike Lininger. This file is in the public domain and unsupported. Keno 1.1 35064 Second Sight external - KENO LoadMaster1.9.sit 58429 LoadMaster 1.9 is a Second Sight BBS External it instantly displays the top 10 Freeloaders, Uploaders, and Message Posters. Compatiblewith MultiPort Serial Cards & automatically detects ANSI and COLOR settings. MacTick.txt.cpt 2123 Text description = About MacTick Mantissa 1.0 63771 Mantissa for Second Sight mehit 3.0.b15.cpt 51951 mehit 3.0.b15 - Adds many more features to mehit 2.x, including automatic renumbering, automatic Stuffing of archives (requires StuffIt Engine), all features of Log-O-Matic and more! Beta, but has proven reliable on several BBSs. Compiled 8/1/91. MoveTick.1.0.2.cpt 26436 MoveTick for Second Sight NewsRoom 0.6 20057 Sysop utility that lets you send group mail NJMUG FSP Control.cpt 2681 sample FSP procedures from NJMUG Numberizer 1.5 13315 renumber your message sections Password Surveys(SS).cpt 4182 Sample surveys that will ask users to enter a password befroe letting them enter a restricted area of your board PathMaster 1.01.cpt 16725 lets you modify path names in file areas and menus. Great if you are changing harddrive names or moving your BBS to a different partition Peephole 49344 Lets users peek at system activity via the callerlog. Peephole2.0.2.cpt 53527 No Description Available Probe .52 33303 examines your Second Sight callerlog and generates usage reports Questorª.cpt 23615 File section editor for Second Sight Host Repath FSecs 2.0.cpt 26513 Repath FSecs 2.0 - An update of my old Repath utility. This lets you quickly alter Second Sight 2.0 FileSection paths. Compiled 6/30/88. Rescan 0.1.cpt 16135 Rescan 0.1 - Rescan is a Second Sight utility which scans the entire message base and export all messages in selected public net sections to a text file similar to the Tabby Generic file. With Rescanalator (included) you can import these messages to another BBS. Compiled 11/4/90. Reset, Restart & ShutDown.cpt 4183 Reset, Restart & ShutDown - Three micro utilities to reset, restart or shutdown your BBS machine. Useful as externals in many situations. Compiled 11/4/90. Resize FSecs.cpt 30116 Resize FSecs - Similar in operation and appearance to Repath Fsecs 2.0, this utility checks actual file sizes against those listed in your FileSection directory. This corrects your listings if youÕve gone through a file area with Stuffit to make things smaller. Compiled 11/6/88. Riddle100.cpt 27442 Second Sight external that lets users display and create riddles Rolfe 3.0.sea 114172 No Description Available RRH UserHacker 12347 Another userlog editor for Second Sight RRHTime.cpt 13418 RR Host 2.0 time external app. SearchStripper(SS).cpt 17589 Search Stripper for Second Sight Section Changer.cpt 26768 Section Changer - A dirt-simple Host 2.0 utility designed to move messages from one section to another. ItÕs useful for those times when a new Echo has been routed by mistake to TabbyÕs UNKNOWN area or when youÕre reorganizing your message sections. Compiled 5/24/90. SixthSense102.cpt 28045 Second Sight external game Slasher 38040 userlog processer for Second Sight SLIC.cpt 49290 Second Sight utility Slots100.cpt 27471 Second Sight external game of Slots SS Quotes.sea 36706 No Description Available SS Settings 5111 Second Sight settings files SS-BankTime.cpt 57510 An external command 50/51 application for Second Sight Host that lets users ÔbankÕ or accumulate time with the option of gaining interest for later use such as massive file download sessions. SS-Bells&Whistles.sea 17085 No Description Available SS-FlagMan! v1.0.sea 26542 No Description Available SS-ListMenus3.5.cpt 22409 Creates text listings of all menus contained in a directory SS-MadLib.cpt 28246 No Description Available SS-MadLibs 5.cpt 13142 No Description Available SS-PageMan! v1.0.sea 27537 No Description Available SS-Story100.CPT 21043 No Description Available SS-viewZIP102.CPT 24310 No Description Available SS.AutoUserStats 3.1 27561 No Description Available SS.Epistle II 61078 No Description Available SS.Peephole 64784 No Description Available SS.Probe .52 48636 No Description Available SS.Slasher 53505 No Description Available SS.Surveys 54753 No Description Available SS/RRHVal.cpt 50974 New user validation survey for Second Sight SSsitTocpt.cpt 16792 This is a quick and dirty program I cooked up in a few hours on Thursday July 27 1990. It should help expedite the changeover from Sit Archives to Compactor Archives on a Second Sight BBS. What you do is this, use the sit to cpt program in batch mode Surveys 39456 Collection of survey files for Second Sight Host Sysop Mailer.cpt 23458 New mail system for RRH Sysop/SupraModem.cpt 3062 BBS sysop modem deal from Supra TExport 2.0(SS).cpt 23151 Tabby/Second Sight utility The Enforcer.cpt 5385 RR Host external program controlled access The Ultimate U/D Enforcer.CPT 3676 checks users up/download stats via an external survey for Second Sight TheMenuHacker3.cpt 115978 TheMenuHacker 3 - contains 2 versions, one for Second Sight 2.1 and one that supports the new Second Sight 2.2 (3.x) menu structures and commands. An excellent menu editor for the Second Sight Sysop. Much better than MenuEdit that ships w/ SS. THEWALL1.0.cpt 22528 RR Host external application for one liners tidE v0.62(SS).cpt 45358 Second Sight file section editor Timestamp/start.cpt 18517 Timestamp/start - Timestamp inserts in the CallerLog a date/time stamp when Host is launched, followed by a dashed line. Timestart inserts in the CallerLog a date/time stamp when Tabby Robot is launched. Compiled 6/2/89. TImport 2.0(SS).cpt 25799 Tabby/Second Sight utility Trivia Quiz Survey(SS).cpt 2249 Sample survey files for use with Second Sight TSet 1.6(SS).cpt 9437 Tabby/Second Sight utility TSort.1.8(SS).cpt 15323 Tabby/Second Sight utility TUE 6.0 Lite.cpt 95758 The Userlog Editor Lite v6.0 Undeleter.cpt 47104 RR Host 2.0 message undeleter UnMod 1.0.cpt 3784 UnMod 1.0 - Resets Last Modified date to Created date for all files in a folder. Compiled 9/15/91. USR DS for RRH.cpt 6728 No Description Available Waldo3.SEA 168841 No Description Available Wall502.cpt 27230 The Wall v5.0.2 external game for Second Sight